Who We Are?

Achieve Greatness

The Indian Honours Society is a distinguished organisation committed to acknowledging and celebrating the accomplishments of exceptional secondary school students in India. Our primary objective is to foster a culture of recognition and provide valuable opportunities for personal growth and development. Through a range of activities, such as research opportunities and access to academic and extracurricular resources, we strive to empower students to reach their full potential. We foster a strong sense of community among our members, facilitating connections and networking opportunities that enable students to collaborate, learn from one another, and build lifelong friendships across India. By promoting excellence and nurturing talent, we aim to inspire the next generation of leaders and make a positive impact on the educational landscape in India.

Upcoming Events


IHS College Fair

10:00AM-01:30PM View Details

Connect with renowned universities and explore diverse academic programs, scholarships, and admission requirements. Get personalized guidance and valuable insights to make informed decisions about your future education.


Academic Excellence Symposium

10:00AM-01:30PM View Details

Showcase your research, projects, and academic accomplishments to a panel of esteemed professionals. Engage in intellectual discussions, network with like-minded peers, and gain recognition for your outstanding achievements.


Community Service Day

10:00AM-01:30PM View Details

Join hands with IHS members in making a positive impact on our community. Participate in various volunteer activities, from environmental conservation to assisting local charities, and witness the power of service in transforming lives.


Leadership Workshop

10:00AM-01:30PM View Details

Unlock your leadership potential with interactive sessions led by seasoned experts. Gain valuable skills in team building, effective communication, and decision-making, empowering you to make a difference in your school, community, and beyond.


College Application Boot Camp

10:00AM-01:30PM View Details

Prepare for college applications with confidence. Receive expert guidance on crafting compelling personal statements, securing strong recommendation letters, and navigating the admission process. Maximize your chances of getting accepted into your dream college.



1What is the Indian Honours Society?

The Indian Honours Society celebrates exceptional students, fostering recognition, growth, and a sense of community through various opportunities, inspiring the next generation of leaders in India's educational landscape.

2 What are the eligibility criteria to join the IHS?

To join the Indian Honours Society (IHS), applicants must meet certain eligibility criteria. They must be secondary school students in India who have demonstrated exceptional academic achievements or outstanding accomplishments in extracurricular activities and show a dedication to personal growth and development.

3How can I apply to become a member of the IHS?

As part of the application process, applicants are required to pay an application fee and complete a comprehensive application detailing their achievements, activities, and aspirations. The IHS team of educators will carefully review each application to assess the suitability of potential members.

4 What are the benefits of being a member of the IHS?

As an esteemed member of the Indian Honours Society (IHS), students enjoy exclusive resources, networking opportunities, and mentorship. The society's recognition and celebrations motivate members to strive for excellence. IHS also offers research opportunities, fostering personal and academic growth, while developing leadership skills. Moreover, being part of IHS provides exposure and visibility, opening doors to scholarships and awards, paving the way for a brighter future.

5 What is the IHS membership?

The IHS membership offers students a gateway to a world of exclusive opportunities. To become a member, applicants are required to pay a reasonable membership fee, enabling access to a range of valuable resources and experiences. Members gain exclusive opportunities for personal and academic growth, including research programs and access to academic and extracurricular resources tailored to enhance their learning journey. Additionally, IHS provides a supportive community that fosters networking, mentorship, and leadership development. Members also receive recognition and celebrate accomplishments, inspiring them to excel further. The membership's array of benefits empowers students to unlock their full potential and shape a brighter future for themselves.